6 Effective Tips on How to Eat and Lose Weight

Learn How to Eat and Lose Weight with these Weight Loss Tips, Healthy Habits, Portion Control, and More without Going to the Gym

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Weight loss can be a tough journey and one thing that can help is have the right mindset. I think one of the most important thing in any venture is having the right mindset. Whether it’s school, business, or losing weight, having the right mindset is critical in your success. Having the right mindset in your fitness journey will give you that extra nudge to push through and feel accomplished. For some, going to the gym and getting a good workout helps get them in the right mindset.

There have been many times I didn’t want to workout. I would rather spend time with the family and lounge. This mindset I was in was comfort. But then I switched that mindset to, “Nope. It’s a workout day. I was consistent with my workout for the past week and I don’t want to break the streak.” Then I popped up off the couch, grabbed some dumbbells, and went at it. I didn’t have a gym membership and having some dumbbells and a weight bench was all I used. There are definitely perks to having a gym membership but if you don’t have one, that’s okay. You can still have a good workout at home without it.

Now let me just say, after that quick workout session, it felt really good. I felt accomplished. I didn’t give up. I didn’t break the streak. I switched my mindset and did what I had to do because I wanted the results. I wanted to lose weight. When you’re having a good workout streak and the feeling of comfort creeps in, stop that thought and say, “Nope. I can’t break my streak. I’m gonna do this.” Then get up and get this thing done. You’ll be glad you did.

Incorporating healthy habits into your daily routine is crucial for achieving lasting fitness results. Whether you’re looking to improve your physical health or boost your mental well-being, developing a set of sustainable habits is the foundation of any successful fitness journey.

Start by setting realistic goals, such as eating more whole foods, staying hydrated, and engaging in regular exercise. These healthy habits not only help you lose weight but also improve your energy levels and enhance your overall quality of life. Additionally, prioritizing sleep and managing stress are essential for long-term wellness.

Consistency is key when it comes to building healthy habits. Focus on small changes that you can maintain, rather than drastic transformations that might be hard to sustain. Over time, these healthy habits will become second nature, making it easier to stay on track with your fitness goals.

Remember, fitness is not a short-term fix but a lifelong commitment. By embracing healthy habits today, you’ll set yourself up for success tomorrow.

Portion Control

Eating all your favorite foods and losing weight simultaneously is possible when you practice portion control of the foods you’re eating. By enjoying smaller portions, you’re consuming less calories. Simply put – Calories In vs. Calories Out. Having a portion control container to take to work or school for lunch is really helpful. Eating in the comfort of our home is great and if you’re like me you might consume a little more calories than you would like because of the dish or plate we use. Having a portion control plate could help with consuming less calories.

This simple “formula” is key to losing weight. Our body use calories (burn calories) as energy to fuel our daily activities, metabolism, and bodily functions. When you consume more calories than your body burn, those extra calories are stored as fat. When you burn more calories than you consume, your body enters a “calorie deficit” which lead to weight loss. The way this works is if you don’t get enough calories from food, your body will turn to its stored energy reserves to provide you the energy.

Mindful Eating

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While eating, be mindful about how you’re eating. If you’re a fast eater, slow down a little bit and savor that bite. Chew thoroughly. Enjoy it. Slowing down can make you feel full and content.

This also helps you from overeating. The reason behind this is it typically takes about 20 minutes for your brain to register that you’re full after you begin your meal.

Another technique that could help you feel full and prevent overeating is drinking about 16 ounces of water about 30 minutes before eating and this technique is to help fill up your stomach. The amount of water to consume varies from person to person.

Mindful eating can also help you reduce the serving of your dessert and that will result in less calories and fats consumed. I love ice cream and previously I would fill a nice bowl of ice cream and enjoy. Needless to say, a typical ice cream can be high in calorie, sugar, and fat which could contribute to why we’re not losing weight. Using a smaller ice cream bowl can help reduce the amount of calories we consume from ice cream.

By eating mindfully, I’m able to consume a smaller portion of ice cream resulting in less calories consumed and I’m still satisfied because I’m already satiated from dinner. There’s always room for dessert, just be mindful of how much of it you’re eating.

Moving More

Joyful parents playing with their child on a bed in a warmly lit bedroom.

Moving more doesn’t necessarily mean exercising until you sweat. This could simply mean walk more, spend more time playing with your kids, or even play with your pets. Actually, one of the best forms of exercise is walking but most of us don’t view walking as exercise because it’s low exertion.

It is recommended to get at least 30 minutes of brisk walking every day. Walking is excellent because it is a relatively low-impact exercise, contributing to muscle tone, endurance, and calorie burning. Also, it engages numerous muscles in both your upper and lower body.

You might be able to fit some walking in before work or school, during lunch breaks, or the first thing you do when you get home from work or school. Fitting in some time to walk could be difficult if you’re tight on time. Having a walking pad could help get in your steps. You can use it while working from home or watching TV. You can also park further from the grocery store to get those extra steps in.

Another perk to parking far in parking lots is most people don’t like to park far, this means your car may have less chance of getting a ding or dent from someone opening their door too quickly resulting in hitting your car.

If you find yourself watching TV, take the opportunity to get up and walk around during commercials. I don’t mean walking in circles in front of the TV. I mean getting up and use the restroom or grab a glass of water. That glass of water can help you feel full and keep you hydrated. Sure you might go to restroom more frequently but that means you’re well hydrated and your body will thank you. Also, you’re getting more steps and movement which will help in your weight loss journey.

Incorporating Exercise

While diet plays a significant role in weight loss, regular physical activity is equally important. During your fitness journey, exercise and weight training will help you burn more calories and build muscle. A good workout doesn’t require a gym membership but if you already have one and are ready to use it that’s great!

Regular walks or cardio is excellent for cardiovascular and fat loss but adding weight training will help keep the muscles you already have and build on top of that.

Some people focus only on cardio to burn fat and eventually question why they look skinny and have no muscles. This can be referred to as being “skinny-fat.” Being skinny-fat means you look nice and decent with clothes on, but underneath the clothing is just a layer of fat with no muscle and no definition.

Not to say that skinny-fat is a bad thing. It could actually be a great result for someone who was overweight. By lifting weights and incorporating cardio, you will have better chance of keeping and possibly gaining muscle during shedding some fat.


Consistency is also important in getting the results you want. There was a time for me when I could barely do 3 push-ups without stopping for a break. No lie. This was when I first got into exercising. Doing push-ups didn’t require any equipments and can be performed immediately.

Watching people do 10 push-ups on TV seemed easy enough and it’s because it’s television. That character is meant to do push-ups. The actor was either already exercising and doing push-ups before they got the part, or they had to work up to it.

If you’re doing something for the first time, like working at a new job, the chances are it will be difficult. It will be challenging. But eventually you get to the point where you know how to do your job in your sleep.

You show up to work “consistently” time and time again and eventually it gets easier over time. Same thing with doing a push-up or any other workout. The more you do it, the more your body get used to it, the stronger you get, and then you will get to the point where doing 10 push-ups without a struggle is a easy.

Stick to your diet and exercise plan long-term. You didn’t get where you are in a day so give yourself grace and work hard at it and you will see results.


You’ve taken the first step toward positive change by reading this post, and that alone is something to be proud of.

Now that you have these tools, it’s your time to shine. Start today – take that first step, and keep going. Taking small steps every day can lead to big changes.

You’ve got this! Progress is a journey, and every small action you take adds up. Stay committed, stay kind to yourself, and remember – you have everything you need to succeed. I’m excited for you on taking this journey.

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